Start Date/End Date: July 7th - August 15th
Registration Fee $30
$815 for first child
$795 for second child
$775 for third child (*tuition includes swimming*)
Regular Hours - 9 AM to 3 PM
Early Care (8AM - 9AM) - Weekly
$50 Per Family - Multiple children
$30 Per Family - One child
After Care (3:30PM - 5:30 PM) - Weekly
$100 per Family
$70 per Student
Church Member Registration on 3/16/25 (교인 자녀대상 등록일 시작)
Public Registration on 3/23/25 (타교인 등록은 23일 (주일)부터)
문의 / Contact: SummerSchool@yspc.org
Student Registration:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18QVoQcbuxbweL9adaFZH7UpsisL80FljzTdH7SPAk-4/edit
Summer School Teacher/TA Application:
Attached is the Summer School Poster we will be putting up around church. I will get ti printed out today.